Chesterfield Quaker Meeting Diary December 2021 to January 2022
Every Sunday at 10.30 am Meeting for Worship at the Meeting House
5th December and 9th January MfW for Business after Meeting for Worship
There is a Fellowship Meeting on the second Monday in the month 11.00 till 13.00. Hot drinks will be provided and if you would like to bring something for your lunch please do so.
9th May 2022 – The Meeting House is 50 years old this month. Where were you 1972 and what were you doing? An opportunity to get to know some interesting things! – Teresa
13th June 2022 – Only 14% of the 950+ London Blue Plaques celebrate women. This is the story of two fascinating women who lived in London and an update on the campaign to commemorate their lives with a Blue Plaque – Elspeth
11th July 2022 – Interesting facts about Lincoln – Pauline
8th August 2022 – A chance to listen to a recording of the Swarthmore Lecture for 2022 from Helen Minnis of Glasgow Meeting. Helen will speak from her experience as a scientist and a Quaker, addressing issues of white privilege within the Quaker movement and scientific community. This will be followed by a Quaker Shared Lunch (if weather kind in the garden) – Jan
12th September 2022 – Jan and Teresa will be attending Yearly Meeting in May 2022. The theme this year is ‘faith, community and action. Jan and Teresa will feedback on three big questions. How do we experience worship, community and witness? How can we build Quaker communities that respond to challenges and put faith into action? How can we transform thinking and action in Quaker communities and wider society?
We have planned just 6 meetings after which we can evaluate how successful the change of meeting in the day has been. Also whether to stay with meeting once a month. We kindly received 13 offers of topics at our planning meeting so we have plenty to go on!