Book reviews

Medicine Song by Celeste Lovick
Celeste Lovick is a Canadian singer songwriter, and healer. This book is about a singer-songwriter who goes to Glastonbury festival (where Celeste herself has appeared many times) to try and sell copies of her CDs, and ends up discovering much about herself, her spirituality, and how letting love conquer fear can change your life. As well as being a good yarn, the book is very informative about the healing aspects of Glastonbury that the tabloid newspapers tend to ignore.

A Spring within Us by Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Monk and his writings have helped me to look at Christianity from a new perspective. This book is a series of meditations, one for every day of the year. They each cover a page and have further reading and thoughts at the end. He describes Christ as whenever human and the divine coexist from the very beginning of time, in fact whenever the material and the spiritual coincide, we have Christ. There are references to the bible suggesting we read them along with the views he has expressed offering fresh insights. I have found that daily meditations are a good way to adopt a spiritual practice, I have now signed up to received his daily meditations via email from the “The Centre for Action and Contemplation”.